Monday, 14 October 2024

Production Task One : Photography

My Photography.

I plan on using the images of Luke that I photographed in the school music class rooms, 
I made him hold the instruments near buy for a more authentic musician vibe. We took many 
photographs but this one stood out after editing the exposure and cropping to focus on the 
acoustic guitar.

I managed to get access to the theatre's control room and play around with the 
lighting an sound decks that were on display, the multi-colours and LEDS really stood out to me and reflected the colourful young feel that I want my magazine to portray.

My aspiring model best friend, Darcie, agreed to let me join one of her photoshoots and capture some incredible images. I wanted her to be positioned in an empty carpark in dark clothing, aiming to make the atmosphere feel very R&B music video like. With low exposure and light editing using the camera app settings, I was able to make the image feel mysterious and intimidating, making Darcie have a direct gaze that would encapsulate the intended audience.


At a close friend of mine's D&B raves, I captured some images that were blurry and really reflected the essence of a party and the atmosphere of a music event. The vibrancy of the orange made the image feel warm and I plan on using this for the "fall"/"autumn" edition of The Notebook.
Again, I had Luke pose beneath the seating and stairs of the school theatre and we used a pink light from my phone to make the image seem as though he was backstage and looking out onto the crowds before his debut concert. I made him make a confident yet anxious facial expression that would draw the audience in and give me room to give him an origin story as an upcoming popstar/artist. 
I want to somehow use this as a pattern or background using editing and light effects.


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